Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer is really here!

Hello all. It was pretty warm today. I love California. It was a beautiful SoCal Sunday. I slept pretty well today and I was up by 3pm. We left a little early to church because we stopped be the Sears Outlet first. Our clothes dryer went kaput last week and we need a new one. The dryer was a gift from a friend and I am not sure how old it is, but it provided us a good year of service. Lord knows we do a lot of laundry in our house. I found a couple of options for a new dryer at the outlet and hopefully I'll be able to buy it by the end of the month. In the meantime we will be hitting the Laundromat. We leave to Albuquerque on Wednesday so I think we'll hit the local Laundromat on Tuesday so that we have clean clothes to pack for our trip.

After the dryer shopping we stopped by Pet Kingdom, our favorite pet store , and got a mouse for Destiny. It is Hilarius how much the kids enjoy the mouse, but then also love to watch the snake eat it. The store usually gives out the mice in brown paper bags stapled shut, but as we have found out the hard way, the mouse can chew right through those. So we bring along a clear plastic little pet carrier box to put the mouse in. Ethan loves to hold the mouse in the van and watch it crawl around and he is totally fascinated. The kids take turns holding the mouse in the van and seem to really like it, but they have no qualms however about watching the same mouse be eaten several hours later. The all stand around and watch Destiny strike and it, strangle it, and swallow it whole. They usually watch until the whole thing is swallowed. If you ask me it is pretty cheap entertainment.

After our weekly pet shop stop we went to church. Pastor Miles is doing a sermon series on prayer and it was the second week. Steve and I are really enjoying and learning. After church I got curbside drop off to work. I am having a good night here. One little preemie recovering from surgery. I am wishing I had brought a new book with me because I have a lot of free time.

Tomorrow we are going to try and go to the pool. I have a co worker who lives in the same apartment complex that we did a few years ago and it has a really nice pool. She is going to let us come over to use her pool. It should be fun. It is supposed to be another beautiful day tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Disneyland and Father's Day 2009

We were at Disneyland on Monday and Tuesday. It was crazy crowded. I have never seen so many people in one place. We made the best of it though and still had a good time. We didn't get on many rides because the lines were ridiculously long, but we did get on our favorites. We spent a total of 3 nights in a hotel in Anaheim. On Tuesday it was also Nataly's 8th grade graduation and we stopped by the dinner celebration that they had for her and her cousin. Ethan and Lilah's cousin Becca had fun playing together. We won't be going back to Disneyland until September first. We will be taking just Kai and Ethan because it will be their 2nd and 4th birthdays.

Ethan had his weight and hemoglobin check with Dr. Reynaldo on Friday and I am excited to report that he has gained another 2pounds. He is now 23lbs at 23 months old, which places him in the 9th percentile. He had fallen off the growth chart at about 18 months and then Dr. Reynaldo had us add a bottle of pediasure a day to Ethan's diet as well as additional fiber. Well it has paid off and his weight is moving in the right direction.

On Saturday, which was our actual anniversary date, Melissa babysat and Steve and I ate out at Rei de Gado which is our favorite restaurant. It is an a great place for carnivores like us. It was the best meal. The only downside was that this place is downtown and there was a Padre's game going on and we had to pay $20 for parking. It felt like we were robbed. After dinner we went to a movie. We saw Land of the Lost. It was as funny as we were expecting it to be. We got home at about 10pm, but then we watched my DVR'd episode of the Bachelorette and we also after that watched He's just not that into you on DVD. (So basically I made Steve watch very girly TV) By this time it was about 2 am when we went to bed.

Sunday was Father's day and since I had kept Steve up late I decided to let him sleep in. He didn't get up until close to 1pm. The kids and I each got him a bluray movie. At church the older three kids made cute cardboard ties for him and the younger 2 kids had cute hand prints for him.

Today was pretty uneventful, but tomorrow as soon as I get home, I am going to pick up Lilah and Alex and pretty much turn right around and head to the Rock Academy. We have applied for Lilah and Alex to both attend this fall and they have their assessments tomorrow morning. Hopefully I will still be able to get to bed at a decent hour because I have a co worker's baby shower at 5pm.

Well, hope everyone else also had a great father's day.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back to Reality.

Well Steve and I had a wonderful weekend in Palm Springs to Celebrate our Anniversary. Our actual anniversary is the 20th, but this was the weekend most convienent to go. We have been married for six years, but it sure doesn't seem like it's been that long. We ate a couple of great meals at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and P.F. Chang's China Bistro. We went to a waterpark and got some sun and had fun going down waterslides. We got in a lot of relaxation and slept in. We stayed in a lovely resort. Matthew flew in for the weekend and watched Lilah, Alex, Kai, and Ethan at our house. Melissa watched Miles at her house. Miles seems to have grown a bunch while we were gone. He is in a growth spurt and is eating a lot. He has gotten pretty chubby thighs, for Yang boy standards anyway.

Lilah, Alex, and Kai each wrote us a card and they gave them to us when we got home. Lilah wrote the boy's cards out for them. Kai's was pretty funny. It said something like, I love you even though you spank me. Lilah also bought us a picture frame and some candy and gave it to us in a nice gift bag. She always likes to do sweet things like that.

Ethan is talking better and better every day. It is easy to understand a lot of what he says. I am working on getting him to say "potty" so that we can start potty training. I think he is ready.
Well anyway Hope everyone is doing well. We are going to Disneyland Monday and Tuesday and staying in a hotel both nights so we are looking forward to that. We are also planning to go to Albuquerque for the 4th of July. Lots of little trips this summer.