Friday, April 17, 2009

Did I work this week? Hmmmm.......

Well as I sat down to fill out my time card I realized that I only worked 2 of the last 5 days. At first I was thinking that, wow, I have hardly worked and have had so many days off, then I realized that since I am working tonight, that makes three shifts this week and that is a normal work week for most of my fellow RN's. Wow, won't it be grand when I have all my bills paid off and I only work 2-3 days a week. I have done so many fun things with the kids this week. Today we went to the YMCA and swam in the pool there. The water was nice and warm and even Miles enjoyed the water. I think this might have been Miles' first time in a pool. He was a little nervous at first, but he didn't cry and slowly he relaxed. Within a few minutes he was kicking and splashing around. Ethan had so much fun in the water that he screamed like the almost 2 year old that he is when we took him out of the pool. Alex and Kai were scolded several times by the lifeguard for running, but the really, overall, were well behaved. Lilah , the fish, also had a great time in the pool, as she always does. After all the splish splashing in the pool, we moved out to the playground and the kids played pirates and firemen(woman) and used their imaginations to the fullest. After the kids tired themselves out, we went to Chili's for a late lunch/early dinner. The southwest egg rolls they have there are the best. I think that they must put something in them, because I crave them all the time. A coworker brought them into work a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to get rid of the craving since then, so now that I have had them, hopefully it will pass.

God Bless,

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